Monday, March 30, 2009

Wei Ni Cun Zai Chapter 8

Setting - Restroom

Fiona - *Washes her hand* Should I really just forgive to Chun?......

Fiona - *Found out her neckalce is gone* Where did it go?! *Looks for it everywhere*

Chun - Fiona what's wrong?

Fiona - I lost my most important thing I must need! *Crys out loud*

Chun - *Hugs her tight* Don't worry you still have me

Song : Ming Ri Xiang By Fahrenheit

Fiona - *Crys out loud* I'm sorry

Setting - During midnight

Chun - *Touches her forehead and sighs*

Tong Tong - Chun, you might be looking for this *Holds the necklace*

Chun - Give it to me

Tong Tong - What if I refuse

Chun - That's Fiona and it doesn't belong to you

Tong Tong - Well I found it on the floor so it belongs to me now *Smirks*

Chun - !!!! What's wrong with my heart?'s aching........

Tong Tong - !!!! So this relates to him.....

Ao Quan - !!!! Chun you okay?!

Chun - My heart!!!!!

Tong Tong - *Runs away*

Ao Quan - Tong Tong what happen?

Tong Tong - I'm really scared now

Ao Quan - But why?

Tong Tong - It's nothing! *Runs away*

Ao Quan - Hey!

Setting - Next day

Chun - You okay?

Fiona - Yeah but about the necklace....

Chun - I'll find a way to look for it

Jiamin - Fiona, how you feeling?

Arron - Do you still feel tired?

Fiona - Yea...but now I really want to be alone for a while....

Jiamin - Okay *Walks away*

Chun - Fiona....

Fiona - Chun, I'm fine....

Arron - Cmon Chun let her rest for a while. Three of us will find it *Walks away and grabs Chun along*

Setting - Hallway

Jiamin - Hey Arron Chun, I'll just grab a coco for all of us

Arron - Make sure to add more marshmellow!

Chun - Thank you

Jiamin - Chun, don't worry we'll help

Chun - Man, I rather get the neckalce back

Jiamin - W...wait!

Arron - What's with him?

Chun - *Saw Tong Tong* Tong Tong

Tong Tong - What?

Chun - Return the neckalce back please

Tong Tong - No! Or you can do me a favor

Chun - What is it?

Tong Tong - If you want the neckalce back'll have to obey me

Chun - .....

Tong Tong - Deal?

Chun - ....Deal.....

Tong Tong - *Smirks*

Setting - Meanwhile Fiona

Fiona - Chun why you here?

Chun - Uh.....I uh......

Tong Tong - Remember or deal *Winks at him*

Chun - Oh yeah that's right *Holds her hand*

Fiona - !!!!

Tong Tong - You see he doesn't like you anymore *Smirks*

Fiona - ........

Ao Quan - What's going on?...Tong Tong?

Tong Tong - *Let goes of Chun's hand* Oh it's nothing

Ao Quan - Are you guys couple?

Tong Tong - Oh no we just pass by

Fiona - *Points at her* Liar! *Gets a flower vase to hit her*

Ao Quan - !!!! Watch out!!! *Protects Tong Tong*

Tong Tong - Ahhh!!!!! You're bleeding!

Chun - Fiona that's enough

Fiona - No it's you! I had enough of you! *Runs away*

Chun - Fiona ! *Chases after her*

Fiona - Stop following me! *Throws chairs, mediences, and throws pillows at him*

Jiamin - Whoa why is she throwing stuff at you?

Arron - Has she gone nuts?!

Chun - *Continues chasing after* Fiona stop running!

Fiona - *Runs all the way back to her house and locks the door*

Chun - Fiona open the door! *Smacks the door*

Fiona - Leave me alone! You're the one caused me a brokenheart already so leave!

Chun - Fiona open the door!

Fabien - *Opens the door and throws a raw pig at him*

Chun - Hey wait what was that for?!

Fabien - To teach you a lesson for bothering and messing with my sister *Slams the door*

Chun - .... *Walks away*

Fiona - *Looks out the window and starts to cry*

Setting - School

Fiona - ..... *Keeps stumbling*

Tong Tong - Hmph loser

Fiona - *Walks up to her*

Tong Tong - What oyu wanna fight?

Fiona - *Ignores her*

Tong Tong - .......What's with her?........

Setting - Class

Gui Gui - Hey Arron, I'm kinda worried about Fiona though

Arron - *Sighs* It's all Chun's fault

Gui Gui - Well anyway lets eat lunch together

Arron - Okay

Setting - Park

Wang Zi - *Reads his book*

Gui Gui - Hey Wang Zi, aren't you hungry?

Wang Zi - Not really

Gui Gui - Well any idea to think about how can we put Chun and Fiona back together?

Jiamin - *Saw Gui Gui with Arron* Arron?

Gui Gui - I'm going to dump my lunch now.....*Accidentally trips on Arron* AHHH!!!!!

Arron - Whoa! *Holds her*

Gui Gui - *Blushes*

Arron - Uh.....

Jiamin - Bastard! *smacks him with her bag* You two timer why are you hugging her?!

Arron - I'm not!

Jiamin - Then why are you hugging her then?!

Gui Gui - I think you're mistaken

Jiamin - *smacks Arron's head* Shame on you! You polk kai!!!!!!!

Arron - *Snatches her bag*

Jiamin - You thief give me back my bag!!!!!

Gui Gui - *Smacks Jiamin's head*

Jiamin - What was that for?!

Gui Gui - You got mistaken!

Gui Gui - I only accidentally trip on him!

Arron - She's right

Michelle - What's going on?

Jiamin - I don't even trust you! Mofo!

Gui Gui - *Pulls her hair*

Jiamin - *Messes her hair up*

Michelle - No one dares messes with me!!!!

Michelle - *Bites Gui Gui's arm*

Gui Gui - Ah!!!

Wang Zi -

Jiro - *Passes by and saw Michelle fighting* M....Michelle!!!!

Jiro - Omg a catfight! *Pushes Jiamin and Gui Gui away*

Michelle - Why did you stop the fight?!

Jiro - Fiona's gone!!!

Jiamin - At the hospital?!

Jiro - Yes Fabien called!

Setting - Hospital

Fabien - It's gotta be Chun, he must did.....*Imagines he rapes Fiona*

Fabien - No I won't allow it!

Arron - *Calls Chun* Hey Chun, sometthing bad came up

Setting - Nighttime

Chun - Where's Fiona?

Arron - No signof her yet

Chun - *Worries*

Setting - Bridge

Fiona - *Stood on the top there*

Da Ya - *Passes by and saw Fiona up there* !!!!! Is that Fiona or am I seeing things?!

Da Ya - Hurry call Chun!

Tong Tong - Do I have to?

Da Ya - Yes!!!

Tong Tong - *Trys to cal Chun* Should I really call him?....but I really don't know what to see Fiona die though...I don't want to be in trouble...

Tong Tong - *Calls Chun* Chun...I see Fiona, she's at the bridge...all the way at the top.....

Setting - Meanwhile the others

Chun - Fiona!!!!

Chun - *Climbs up all the way at the top of the bridge*

Jiamin - No!

Arron - It's dangerous!!!

Da Ya - Omg please be okay

Michelle -Will Chun be okay by himself?

Jiro Yes I'm sure

Chun - Fiona!!!!

Chun - Fiona...I'm on my way to save you...*Slip and almost fall down* Ah!

Jiamin - !!! Oh no!!!!

Arron -Chun!

Fiona - *Saw Chun* Chun?....!!!!! Chun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Song : Wei Ni Cun Zai By Fahrenheit

Chun - Fiona get down please

Fiona - It's no use, I have nothing left and you even dump me already *Crys*

Chun - Actually I stil love you I still do

Fiona - Tell me how much you love me then?

Chun - The whole entire universe, I promise you even the necklace is gone for you, I'll never leave your side again

Fiona - Really?.... *Accideantally slip and fell down the water* Help me!!!!!!!!

Chun - Fiona !!!! *Dives in the water to save her*

Jiamin - Oh no!!!!

Arron - Chun!!!!

Tong Tong - ....*Shivers*

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